
[Jewelry Plastic Surgery] ๐Ÿ‘„ Philtrum Reduction

Original price was: ₩1,980,000.Current price is: ₩1,683,000.

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Philtrum Reduction


Green checkmark indicating successful philtrum reduction.

When the philtrum is naturally long, making the face appear elongated.

Green checkmark indicating successful philtrum reduction.

When the philtrum and lips sag due to aging.

Green checkmark indicating successful philtrum reduction.

When the length of the philtrum has increased after orthodontic treatment.

Green checkmark indicating successful philtrum reduction.

When you want to correct unclear and asymmetrical lip lines along with the philtrum.

Before and after images of a woman who underwent philtrum reduction.


The philtrum is located in the center of the face, and if it is long, it can make the face appear longer and older.

Non-incisional Philtrum Reduction

Diagram showing the reduced length of the philtrum after the incisional method.

A small needle hole is made in the nose, and a thread is inserted through that hole.

Illustration of the incisional philtrum reduction technique showing incision and lifting.

The inserted thread is passed through to the lips and looped back through the other side of the nose.

Diagram depicting the reduced length of the philtrum after non-incisional method.

By tying and pulling the inserted thread, the philtrum appears shorter.

Incisional Philtrum Reduction

Illustration showing the path of the thread for non-incisional philtrum reduction.

A small incision is made below the nose.

Diagram indicating insertion points for non-incisional philtrum reduction.

The sagging philtrum is lifted upwards and sutured.

Illustration showing the measurement of the philtrum for reduction.

Your philtrum proportions match your facial structure.

Price list for non-incisional and incisional philtrum reduction procedures.


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