Image of ABK model who received plastic surgeries

Video Clip about ABK LEADERS : SORA

Before&after photos of the model

👩‍⚕️Surgical Procedures👩‍⚕️

💎Facial contouring
(square jaw + cheekbone + chin tip)
💎Buried method
(double eyelid surgery)
💎Fat repositioning under the eyes
(with aegyo-sal fat grafting)
💎Revision rhinoplasty
💎Double chin/cheekbone liposuction
💎Facial fat grafting

The following is a real review based on the content written by the model who underwent the surgeries herself.

🔔Before Surgery🔔

Photos of the model before her surgeries

“After entering high school, I began to be conscious of my appearance.

Previously, I hadn’t paid much attention to my looks,

but whenever I saw pretty people on social media,

I wished to become beautiful like them.

As a college student, I worked part-time and saved money for a nose job,

but I was disappointed with the minimal change it brought.

Coincidentally, I saw an advertisement from ABK

recruiting models at that time.

I thought it was an opportunity to change my appearance,

so I decided to apply.

Despite strong opposition from those around me,

I didn’t want to regret not taking a chance in this one life,

so I went ahead with the surgeries.

🎨Beautify with ABK’s support!🎨

Gained Confidence!

“Through plastic surgery, I regained confidence in my face.

I hope those who lack confidence like I did can also find it.”

ABK staff member greets the model

ABK staff member greets the model

ABK staff member greets the model

“I was worried because the arrival time was later than scheduled,

but I was relieved when an ABK staff member came to greet me!

The staff member asked if there was anything uncomfortable and engaged in conversation,

making the hotel transfer enjoyable.”

Image of ABK model enjoying her stay in Korea

Image of ABK model enjoying her stay in Korea

Image of ABK gifts

“Safely arrived at the hotel with ABK’s pick-up service!

ABK also provided a portable power bank for smartphone

and a beauty package for post-surgery as a gift!

I was impressed by ABK’s thoughtfulness!”

The model at the plastic surgery clinic

 The model at the plastic surgery clinic

The model at the plastic surgery clinic

“The next day, I had my first consultation and pre-surgery examination.

Everyone was so kind and welcoming, which warmed my heart.

Thanks to the smooth interpretation by ABK’s medical interpreter,

I was able to communicate the image I wanted to achieve!”

Image of ABK model enjoying her stay in Korea (visiting LINE store)

“After the pre-surgery examination, in the afternoon,

I visited the LINE store in Garosu-gil and had a pleasant time with ABK staff.”

Image of ABK model enjoying her stay in Korea (eating well)

“Before surgery, it’s recommended to have a proper intake of nutrients,

so we enjoyed a delicious meal at a famous pork belly restaurant in Gangnam.”

Image of ABK model on the surgery day

Image of ABK model on the surgery day

Image of ABK model on the surgery day

“Finally, the day of surgery arrived!

To be honest, until the day before the surgery, it didn’t feel real,

but when I signed the consent form,

I was excited as I realized that the surgery was happening!

I reiterated the image I wanted to achieve before lying down on the surgical bed.”

🎊After Surgery🎊

The model after her surgeries

How was the selfie you took immediately after the surgery?

Was the swelling not as severe as you thought it would be?

“The doctor performed the surgery with a natural touch.

Instead of making drastic changes,

the doctor improved the areas where I felt lacking

while maintaining my personality.

I think that beautified me, which was very satisfying.”

ABK staff stays with the model after her surgeries

“While I was hospitalized after the surgery,

I was filled with gratitude not only towards the clinic staff

but also towards the ABK interpreter who provided care by my side.

Thanks to their continuous presence, especially during the most physically challenging moments,

I was able to recover with peace of mind.”

Images of the model and care package from ABK

“After being discharged, I stopped by the pharmacy

and then returned to the hotel!

ABK staff had prepared drinks and items like pumpkin juice and porridge

to assist with swelling care.

I’m eager to put effort into swelling care so I can become even more beautiful!”

Image of the model during downtime

“For me, breathing was difficult after the surgery,

so ABK arranged for a room with a bed that can be adjusted at the head part!

It was very convenient to have a hotel

that provides adjustable beds in collaboration with ABK.

Thanks to this, the swelling is gradually going down ♥”

Image of the model during downtime (shampoo service)

“After the contouring surgery, I couldn’t wash my hair for a while,

so I went to the hair salon to get shampoo care.

Things I couldn’t do alone were made possible

with the help of ABK interpreter accompanying me!”

Image of the model during downtime (follow-up examinations)

“I visited the clinic for swelling care and follow-up examinations!

Even after the surgery,

the doctor listened to my concerns and answered my questions,

so I could feel relieved.

I am grateful for that.”

Image of the model during downtime with ABK support

“While in Korea, everyone was so kind and helpful

that I felt really empty on the day I returned to Japan.”

Image of the model leaving Korea

“For the first time in my life, having major surgeries overseas,

I am grateful for helping me not to feel anxious! Thank you, ABK ๑♥‿♥๑”


The model who received plastic surgeries has become beautiful.

“People around me say I look more beautiful!

I’m so happy about the positive reactions from those around me!

People who don’t know that I had surgeries say that

I look like a popstar or a doll!

Thanks to the services provided by ABK,

I was able to undergo surgery comfortably.

From airport pickup, hotel reservations,

clinic visit and preoperative examinations,

meals, care on the day of surgery, to swelling care!

Always by my side. Even when I was alone in Korea,

I was not anxious and was able to stay at ease

thanks to the presence of ABK.”

Photos after the plastic surgeries

“I’m truly grateful for the pickup and the meticulous services provided.

Especially during the most difficult moments right after surgery,

having ABK by my side is something I’ll never forget!

For those visiting Korea for the first time

or feeling anxious about undergoing plastic surgery alone,

I highly recommend ABK!

It’s natural to feel anxious about surgery.

With the support of ABK’s model program, my life has changed.

If you lack confidence in your appearance or desire any change,

applying to ABK Beauty Leaders Model is a great idea!

Don’t hesitate, apply now!”

The model who received plastic surgeries has become beautiful. Image of the official logo of ABK



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