Image of ABK model who received plastic surgeries

Video Clip about ABK LEADERS : KIKI

Before&after photos of the model

👩‍⚕️Surgical Procedures👩‍⚕️

💎Double eyelid revision surgery
(eye contour correction + medial epicanthoplasty + lateral canthoplasty + fat relocation under the eyes)
💎Facial fat grafting
💎Nose revision surgery
💎3 types of contouring
(square jaw + cheekbones + front chin)


The following is a real review based on the content written by the model who underwent the surgeries herself.


🔔Before Surgery🔔

Photos of the model before her surgeries

“Since I was young, I’ve always been unhappy with my facial features.

🤨Having a large face and a masculine image were my insecurities.

When taking photos with friends, I would often hide away,

gradually losing confidence.😓


Hoping to have a pretty face and take photos confidently,

I underwent surgery at a Japanese plastic surgery clinic,

but there wasn’t much change.😔


During that time,

I came across an advertisement recruiting ABK Beauty Leaders.

With a desire to become a cute and lovely female image,

I applied to become a plastic surgery model.”


🎨Beautify with ABK’s support!🎨

“I was nervous about undergoing major surgery,

but the thought of becoming a new me filled me with

excitement and anticipation!😆”

ABK staff member greets the model

ABK staff member greets the model

“When I arrived in Korea,

an ABK staff member greeted me at the airport.

I was touched when they immediately took care of

my luggage upon arrival!

With ABK’s transportation service,

I comfortably moved to the next location.”

Image of the photo shoot before surgeries

Image of the photo shoot before surgeries

“We headed to the studio

for the model interview and photo shoot.”

The model at the plastic surgery clinic

During hotel check-in provided by ABK!

Thanks to the professional interpreter from ABK,

I was able to check in smoothly!🥰”

Image of the model during CT scan

Image of the model during medical examination

“I visited the plastic surgery clinic for preoperative tests!

It was so clean and pleasant.

Personally, I felt very relieved knowing that

I wouldn’t encounter other patients after the surgery.”

Image of the model and her contract

“ABK Beauty Leaders model contract being drawn up!”

Image of the model eating well

“After it was over,

I also had delicious Korean cuisine with the ABK staff!”

Image of the model during consultation

Finally, the day of the surgery!

With the professional interpretation by the ABK interpreter,

I was able to clearly convey my opinions to the doctor.

The doctor also carefully considered my concerns

and provided polite consultation, which I really appreciated.”


🎊After Surgery🎊

The model is holding a juice bottle after her surgeries

The model is lying down on the bed after her surgeries

The model is holding a pumpkin juice pack after her surgeries

“Until I recovered from the surgery,

ABK staff members provided continuous care by my side.😊

Despite the physical challenges,

having someone there for me felt reassuring.”

Image of the model at the pharmacy

Image of the model shopping at a convenience store

“I visited the pharmacy to buy medication

and also did some shopping at the convenience store!

Thanks to ABK’s interpretation service,

communication was not at all stressful.🤩

Instead, I felt very reassured and grateful.”

Images of the model recovering during the downtime

Image of the model at a hair salon for shampoo service

“Five days after surgery, I used ABK’s salon reservation service!

I was worried about how to style my hair alone,

but I was really fortunate to have this service!”

Images of the model going through downtime and recovering

“Today is the day for my outpatient treatment!

I met with the doctor and received care to reduce swelling!

Afterward, I went to a salad restaurant with an ABK staff member

and ate foods that are good for reducing swelling!”



The model who received plastic surgeries has become beautiful.

“Everyone around me was amazed!

Because I turned into a beautiful woman!


I don’t hate taking pictures anymore!


😉After the surgery, I learned to love myself more.

Taking pictures has become enjoyable! I am very satisfied.

People around me also said that

my eyes and nose look much more natural and beautiful.”

Photos after the plastic surgeries

“I have been experimenting with new fashion and makeup lately.

I feel extremely happy with the natural look

as the swelling gradually disappears!”


Look how she shines.

Model KIKI, reborn through ABK.


“Being chosen as an ABK model and undergoing surgery

has left me incredibly content.

Thanks to everyone at ABK, I’ve had a comfortable recovery period.

I truly believe I couldn’t have managed it alone!

To all of you reading this, dare to embrace your beauty!

The model who received plastic surgeries has become beautiful.

Image of the official logo of ABK



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