ABK Hair Transplant Center

Resolve hair loss concerns promptly and discreetly for anyone.
For men and women eager to regrow hair quickly and effectively.

Hair transplant services in Korea stand out in terms of case volume, expertise, and price.

From courteous consultations to full-care services
with professional interpretation on-site,
we offer safe hair solutions in Korea.

Why ABK Hair Transplant Center

1. The director of ABK Hair Transplant Center has firsthand experience with Korean hair services.

This experiential insight allows for tailored recommendations, addressing each individual’s hair situation with precision.

2. Operating a Head Spa Salon

Achieving a secure settlement of transplanted hair necessitates meticulous scalp care. Moreover, ensuring proportionate design aligned with the facial structure is essential. We prepare clients for the best possible outcome before recommending hair transplant. Entrust us with pre-surgery scalp care, skeletal alignment, and post-surgery aftercare.

3. Hair Experts on Site

Leveraging the expertise of hair experts, we diagnose customers’ scalp conditions and provide advice to optimize scalp health.

Do you have concerns like this?


☑️ My hair is thinning.
☑️ I’m experiencing a receding hairline in the shape of a “M”.
☑️ My crown area is thinning.
☑️ Hair growth products alone are not effective.
☑️ I’m troubled by hair loss.


☑️ Concerned about a wide forehead.
☑️ Have a complex about the
☑️ Want a feminine hairline.
☑️ Want to have a small face.
☑️ Scalp looks ‘see-through’.

Address these concerns with
hair transplant and hairline correction.

What is hair transplant?

 · Hair transplant involves transplanting one’s own hair from the donor area,
which is the back of the head that is not affected by male hormones, to areas with thinning hair, resolving the issue.
 · Hairline correction involves reshaping the hairline by transplanting hair to create a balanced and
beautiful facial appearance. The transplanted hair continues to grow permanently.

Men's hair transplant pattern (type M, type O, type M+O)

type M

type O

type M+O

Women's hair transplant pattern

Wide and angular forehead

Wide M-shaped forehead

Wide and irregular forehead

Extremely wide forehead

Round M-shaped forehead

Wide and round forehead

Hair Transplant Process

01 Consultation and Diagnosis

Assess the scalp condition and progression of hair loss to devise a transplant plan.

02 Designing the Transplant Area

Calculate the required number of hairs for the transplant area and determine the design according to the client’s facial structure and preferences.

03 Follicle Harvesting/Scalp Closure

After administering general anesthesia, partial anesthesia is applied to the donor area. The hair follicles are quickly extracted to minimize damage. In the case of an incision method, scalp suturing is performed after extraction. Patients typically awaken by the time extraction and suturing are completed.

04 Follicle Separation

The hair follicles are individually separated under a microscope from the scalp of the incision site.

05 Follicle Transplant

To maintain the perfect condition of the follicle cells, the transplantation is swiftly carried out at the optimal temperature.

06 Recovery After Transplant

After resting in the recovery room for a while, you will return home. We will explain the follow-up process and provide you with any necessary precautions.

07 Post-Transplant Observation

You will visit our clinic the next day for shampooing, examination, and guidance on post-treatment care upon returning home. If suture removal is necessary, please visit the clinic between 9 to 14 days after the surgery.

Methods of Hair Transplant

The incision and non-incision methods differ in how hair follicles are harvested, each with its own merits and drawbacks. We will guide you to the most suitable surgical method based on your scalp condition and the progress of your hair loss.

Follicular Unit Strip Surgery - FUSS

This method involves thinly cutting the scalp at the back of the head in a strip, then manually separating each hair follicle and transplanting them one by one.

Pros and cons of Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS)

No need to shave the hair, making it suitable for extensive transplant.
Since the follicles are separated while directly observing them, there is minimal follicle damage and a high survival rate.
Extraction is relatively easy, leading to shorter surgery times and cost savings. 

Linear scars may remain on the back of the head.

For mass transplant

For lower cost

Short surgery time

Non-Invasive Hair Transplant (FUT)

Hair follicles are individually extracted and transplanted using a punch blade method.

Pros and cons of Non-Invasive Hair Transplant (FUT)

Since there is no need for an incision in the back of the head, there is minimal pain and no scarring.
Only the necessary hair follicles for transplantation can be accurately extracted.
There is minimal mental and physical burden. 

It takes time for extraction compared to the incision method, and therefore, it is more expensive. It requires shaving the hair.

For small amount of hair transplant

Less pain, faster recovery

No scar

Benefits for ABK Customers

Consultation/Visit Reservation

Airport Pick-Up

Interpretation Service

Pre-Surgery and Post-Surgery Care

ABK Hair Transplant
Consultation with the center

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+82 10 6273 7255

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